Language of the Hand in Maths
In presenting with this work the hands of famous people,I have done so with the object of enabling the student to study the hands of those with whose lives and characteristics he is probably acquainted, and also to show the reader at a glance the difference that exists between the hands of different temperaments.The most ancient records, however, are those found among the Hindus. The Greek civilization has in many ways been considered the highest and most intellectual in the world,and here it was that palmistry,or cheiromancy-from the Greek chair,the hand -grew flourished,and found favour in the sight of those whose names are as stars of honour in the firmament of knowledge.Now, as in the study of mankind there came to the recognized a natural position on the face for the note,eyes,ears,etc,.so also ton the hand there came to recognised a natural position for the line of hand.the line life,and so on. The time and study devoted to the subject enabled these students to give names to these marks;as the line of head,meaning mentality; line of heart, affection; line of life,longivity; and so on,with every mark or mount that hand possesses.We will now see what science has done for palmistry,and whether or not it has any foundation beyond that of mere speculation and hypothesis .