Almost all medical men admit now that the different formations nails indicate different diseases, and that it is possible from the nails alone to predict that the subject will suffer from paralysis, consumption,heart disease,and so on. Many a well know doctor acknowledge,that it was but the old time prejudices which kept many a man from admitting the same thing. At this point let me also draw a comparison between the way doctor treats his patient and the way a palmist treats his client. In the first place, the doctor has a recognised science to go by;he has scientific instruments with the most modern improvements to assist his researches; but how many can tell the patient what he is suffering from,unless the patient first tells the doctor all about himself and his symptoms;and even then,how often can the doctor arrive at a correct diagnosis?. Now, in the case of a palmist, the client, without giving his or her name,without telling his occupation,or whether married or single,simply holds out his hand,and the palmist has to tell him past events in his life,present surroundings,health past and present; and having , by accuracy only,gained confidence,he proceeds to read the future from the same materials that he has told the past.It is a remarkable fact that we cannot feel the pulse with the tongue,butthat we can with the fingers,on a nearer inspection we discover in the points of the fingers a more particular provision for adapting them to teach.Whenever the sense of feeling is most exquisite ,there we see minute spiral ridges of the cuticle. these ridges have corresponding depressions on the inner surface, and they again give lodgement to soft,pulpy processes of the skin,in which lie the extremities of the sentient nerves.
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