Seven Hands

 Seven types of hands

There are seven types of hands
1. The elementary or the lowest type-This hand belongs to the lowest type of mentality. In appearance, it is oarse and clumsy, with large, thick heavy palm, short fingers, and short nails.
 2. The square or the useful hand-It means the palm square at the wrist, square at the base of the fingers themselves square. Such a type is also called the useful because it is found in so many walks of a lie. . 3.The spatulate, or the nervous active type--the spatulate hand, when hard and firm, indicates a nature restless and excitable,but full of energy of purpose and enthusiasm.When sot and flabby, which is often the case,it denotes the restless but irritable spirit. 4.The philosophy,or the knotty hand--It is generally long and angular, with bony fingers, developed joints, and long nails. As far as success in the form wealth is concerned, it is not a favorable type to have; it gleans wisdom, rarely,if ever, gold. 5. The conic or the artistic type-The main characteristics of the conic hand are impulse and instinct. People with the conic hand are often, in fact, designated 'the children of impulse.'.6. The psychic, or the idealistic hand -This is the most beautiful hand of all. The psychic hand has a purely visionary, idealistic nature. They appreciate the beauty in every shape and form; they are gentle in manner, quite in temper.7.The mixed hand-The mixed hand is the hand of ideas,o versatility, and generally of the changeability of purpose.....

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