Game theory is to determine the rules of rational behavior in game .A game is finite when each player has a finite number of moves and finite number of choices at each move.It provides a systematic quantitative method for analyzing competitive situations in which the competitors make use of logical process and techniques in order to determine an optimal strategy for winning .It is depending on such factors as the number of players ,sum of gains and losses and number of strategy employed in the game .For example,if the number of players are two,we refer to the game as two person game .
The zero -sum property means that payoff to one player and payoff to other players together sum to zero.This means that one player’s gain is another’s loss and sum of net gain is zero.
Some rules of the game
- The players act rationally and intelligently. 2. Each player has available to him to a finite set of possible courses of action.3. The players attempt to maximize gain and minimize losses. 4. All the relevant information is known to each player. 5. The players make individual decisions without direct communication. 6. The players simultaneously select their respective course of action. 7. The payoff is fixed and known in advance.
Game theory encompasses various concepts such as players, strategies, payoffs, and equilibrium. Through examples like the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Battle of the Sexes, and Chicken Game, game theory illustrates fundamental principles of conflict, cooperation, and coordination. Its applications span multiple fields, including economics, political science, biology, computer science, and psychology, offering insights into strategic decision-making and interaction.Game theory is a branch of mathematics and economics that studies strategic interactions between rational decision-makers. It provides a framework for analyzing situations where the outcome for each participant depends not only on their own actions but also on the actions of others.
Concepts in Game Theory
- The decision-makers in the game. Each player aims to maximize their own payoff or utility.
- The plans or actions that players can choose from. A strategy defines how a player will act in different situations.
- The outcomes or rewards that players receive based on the combination of strategies chosen by all players. Payoffs can be represented in various forms, such as monetary values, utility, or satisfaction.
- Games can be classified based on different characteristics:
- Cooperative vs. Non-Cooperative: In cooperative games, players can form binding agreements to achieve a common goal. In non-cooperative games, players act independently and cannot make binding agreements.
- Zero-Sum vs. Non-Zero-Sum: In zero-sum games, one player’s gain is exactly balanced by the losses of others. In non-zero-sum games, the total payoff can be increased or decreased through cooperation or competition.
- Simultaneous vs. Sequential: In simultaneous games, players make decisions without knowing the choices of others. In sequential games, players make decisions in a sequence, with later players having knowledge of earlier decisions.
- A situation where no player has an incentive to unilaterally change their strategy. The most common equilibrium concept is the Nash Equilibrium, where each player’s strategy is optimal given the strategies of the other players.
Examples of Game Theory
Prisoner’s Dilemma:
- Description: Two criminals are arrested and held in separate cells. They are given a choice: cooperate with each other and stay silent, or betray the other and testify against them. The outcomes are as follows:
- If both stay silent, they each get a minor sentence.
- If one betrays and the other stays silent, the betrayer goes free while the silent one gets a heavy sentence.
- If both betray each other, they both receive a moderate sentence.
- Analysis: The Nash Equilibrium in this game is for both players to betray each other, even though both would be better off if they both stayed silent. This illustrates the conflict between individual rationality and collective benefit.
Battle of the Sexes:
- Description: A couple wants to go out but prefers different activities. One prefers a football game, and the other prefers a ballet. Both prefer to go out together rather than separately.
- Payoffs: The payoffs are higher if they go together, even if they end up at their less preferred activity. The game has two Nash Equilibria: both go to the football game or both go to the ballet.
- Analysis: The challenge is for the couple to coordinate their choices to achieve a mutually satisfactory outcome, highlighting issues of coordination and compromise.
Chicken Game:
- Description: Two drivers head toward each other on a collision course. Each driver can either swerve or continue driving straight. If both continue, they crash. If one swerves and the other continues, the one who swerved is seen as weak. If both swerve, they avoid a crash but neither gains a significant advantage.
- Payoffs: The best outcome for each driver is to continue while the other swerves. However, mutual swerving avoids the worst outcome: a crash.
- Analysis: The game illustrates the strategic tension between risking a disaster and trying to gain a competitive advantage, with mixed strategies often leading to equilibria.
Cournot Competition:
- Description: Two firms produce a homogeneous product and compete by choosing quantities to produce. Each firm’s profit depends on the total market quantity produced and the price determined by the total supply.
- Payoffs: Each firm’s profit is a function of the quantities chosen by both firms. The Nash Equilibrium occurs when neither firm can increase their profit by unilaterally changing their production quantity.
- Analysis: The Cournot model is used to analyze how firms compete in an oligopoly and how their strategic choices affect market outcomes and profits.
Ultimatum Game:
- Description: One player (the proposer) offers a division of a sum of money to another player (the responder). The responder can either accept the offer or reject it. If the offer is rejected, both players get nothing.
- Payoffs: The proposer aims to maximize their own share while ensuring the offer is acceptable to the responder. The responder aims to get as much as possible, but they also need to accept an offer to receive anything.
- Analysis: This game explores fairness, negotiation, and social preferences, showing that responders may reject offers they perceive as unfair, even at a cost to themselves.
Applications of Game Theory
- Analyzing market competition, pricing strategies, and bargaining scenarios. Examples include auction design, pricing strategies in oligopolies, and labor negotiations.
Political Science:
- Understanding strategic interactions in political campaigns, voting systems, and international relations. For example, game theory is used to model negotiations and conflicts between countries.
- Studying evolutionary strategies and animal behaviors. The concept of evolutionary stable strategies (ESS) is used to understand natural selection and animal conflict.
Computer Science:
- Designing algorithms for multi-agent systems, online auctions, and network security. For instance, game theory helps in designing protocols for fair resource allocation in distributed systems.
- Exploring human decision-making and social interactions. Game theory models help in understanding behavior in social dilemmas, cooperation, and trust.