The convex hull of a data set in n-dimensional space
>> figure, hold on
d = [1 2 3 1]; % Index into C column.
for i = 1:size(C,1) % Draw each triangle.
j= C(i,d); % Get the ith C to make a patch.
end % 'FaceAlpha' is used to make it transparent.
hold off
view(3), axis equal, axis off
camorbit(90,-5); % To view it from another angle
title('Convex hull of a cube')
Undefined function or variable 'C'.
>> d = [-1 1];
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(d,d,d);
X = [x(:),y(:),z(:)]; % 8 corner points of a cube
C = convhulln(X)
C =
4 2 1
3 4 1
7 3 1
5 7 1
7 4 3
4 7 8
2 6 1
6 5 1
4 6 2
6 4 8
6 7 5
7 6 8
>> figure, hold on
d = [1 2 3 1]; % Index into C column.
for i = 1:size(C,1) % Draw each triangle.
j= C(i,d); % Get the ith C to make a patch.
end % 'FaceAlpha' is used to make it transparent.
hold off
view(3), axis equal, axis off
camorbit(90,-5); % To view it from another angle
title('Convex hull of a cube'
>> figure, hold on
d = [1 2 3 1]; % Index into C column.
for i = 1:size(C,1) % Draw each triangle.
j= C(i,d); % Get the ith C to make a patch.
end % 'FaceAlpha' is used to make it transparent.
hold off
view(3), axis equal, axis off
camorbit(90,-5); % To view it from another angle
title('Convex hull of a cube')
Undefined function or variable 'C'.
>> d = [-1 1];
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(d,d,d);
X = [x(:),y(:),z(:)]; % 8 corner points of a cube
C = convhulln(X)
C =
4 2 1
3 4 1
7 3 1
5 7 1
7 4 3
4 7 8
2 6 1
6 5 1
4 6 2
6 4 8
6 7 5
7 6 8
>> figure, hold on
d = [1 2 3 1]; % Index into C column.
for i = 1:size(C,1) % Draw each triangle.
j= C(i,d); % Get the ith C to make a patch.
end % 'FaceAlpha' is used to make it transparent.
hold off
view(3), axis equal, axis off
camorbit(90,-5); % To view it from another angle
title('Convex hull of a cube'