
What are Rings?

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Let R is non-empty set with two binary operations called addition and multiplication. It is denoted by(+,.),  for all a,b⋿R we have a+b⋿Rand a.b⋿R  then this algebraic structure(R,+,.) is called a ring.

Ring with unity

If ring R exists by1 such that 1.a=a=a.1 all a⋿R, then R is called a ring with the unit element.

Commutative Ring

If a ring R, the multiplication composition is also commutative, if we have a.b=b.a all a,b⋿R, then Ris called commutative ring.

Properties of Rings

If R is a ring for all a,b,c⋿R


How to prove the intersection of two subrings is a subring?

Let S1 and S2  be two subrings of a ring R. Then S1∩S2 is not empty since at least 0⋿ S1∩S2.
Now in order to prove that S1∩S2 is subring, it is sufficient to prove that
1. a⋿ S1∩S2,b⋿ S1∩S2
a-b⋿ S1∩S2
2. a⋿ S1∩S2,b⋿ S1∩S2
ab⋿ S1∩S2
We have 
a⋿ S1∩S2
a⋿ S1,a⋿ S2
b⋿ S1∩S2
b⋿ S1,b⋿ S2

Now S1 and S2  are both subrings.

such that 
a⋿ S1,b⋿ S1
a-b⋿ S1 and ab⋿ S1
and a⋿ S2,b⋿ S2
ab⋿ S2.
Now a-b ⋿ S1,a-b⋿ S2
a-b⋿ S1∩S2
ab⋿ S1,ab⋿ S2
ab⋿ S1∩S2.
a⋿ S1∩S2,
b⋿ S1∩S2
a-b⋿ S1∩S2.and
ab⋿ S1∩S2.
so that
 S1∩S2 is a subring of R.

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